Particle Selection from a Single Image
Access: CP::Particle::Single Image (Tab)
PARTICLE supports both
computational and manual particle selection from micrographs. 
While computational screening has the
potential for significantly higher throughput, manual selection can often
achieve improved accuracy because of human's still superior ability in pattern
recognition (which, unfortunately, could introduce subjective bias too). 
In PARTICLE, these two functions can operate
collaboratively to identify particles with both quantity and quality. 
As always, visual inspection of the result
is recommended because the accuracy of a computational screening highly
dependents on the image quality (contrast, SNR, etc.).
EM micrographs, and cryo-EM in particular, often have low SNR. 
Consequently, the result of particle screening will likely contain
By design, PARTICLE
integrates the process of particle selection, alignment and classification to
identify "good" particles. 
Thus, the
program is able to tolerate substantial amount of false-positives in the
initial particle dataset, thereby relaxing the quality requirement at the stage
of particle screening (and reducing the number of false-negatives as
Note that a large number of false-positives
will also unnecessarily increase the overall data volume. 
Therefore the investigator's discretion for
an appropriate balance remains indispensable.
Computational Screening
PARTICLE applies a
template-matching algorithm in computational particle screening, which requires
that a set of parameters to be defined in the Particle Parameter group:
- Particle Size : approximate particle diameter (in Å).
- Seperation : the minimal boundary-to-boundary distance between two particles
(in Å).
- Image Binning : a downward resize factor to speed-up the screening process. 
In practice, the algorithm works
effectively when the binned pixel-size being around 1nm. 
For large molecules, the binning factor can be even higher.
- Frame Size : the square frame dimension for particle boxing (in pixels).
- Screening Threshold : the scoring threshold for particle identification.
In addition, a set of
particle templates should be defined in the Reference Image group:
- Template Stack : load a reference (image stack) for the template-matching
- Circular Mask Radius : a circular mask that encircles the region of
interest in the reference images.
- Rotational Search : when checked (the default), rotational search
will be activated according to the search range and angular step defined
in the group below.
- Testing : when checked, all the reference images will be rotationally
averaged into one frame for a quick test of the parameter setup.
- Display
: a toggle button on the top, when activated, the references will be
displayed in a montage.
Once the particle parameters
and the reference stack have been set, the Screen button will initiate
the calculation of a scoring map. 
completion, candidate particles will be marked according to the screening threshold. 
The threshold can be modified afterwards,
and the screening result will be updated dynamically via the Screen button. 
The number of identified particles is displayed at both the Particle
Parameter::Count and the DP::DataInfo::Particles
Manual Annotation
The function of manual annotation is facilitated by the following keyboard/mouse
combination in the DP::MainDisplay window:
- Select Particle : CTRL+LeftClick
at the spot of interest in the image.
- Delete Particle : SHIFT+LeftClick
at the spot of interest in the image.
- Auto Centering : when a scoring map has been calculated, activate the
auto-centering button in DP::ToolBar, and put the mouse cursor
close to the spot of interest with CTRL+LeftClick,
the optimal location of the particle marker will be automatically determined.
- Pan Image : LeftClick+Drag in the display window.
- Zoom Image : RightClick+Drag in the display window.
- The intensity and contrast of the image display
can be adjusted via the dials at the lower-right corner of the DP
When CP::Particle is
activated, a toolbox becomes accessible in DP::ToolBar, which contains
toggle buttons (on/off) that control data visualization in particle annotation
and inspection:
: display an in-set image at the
upper-left region of the DP::MainDisplay window, showing the
current particle selection.
: label the selected particles with a cross marker.
: flash the display of particle labels (shortcut: ALT+x).
: particle auto-centering in manual annotation (shortcut: ALT+c).
: display the image ROI beneath the mouse
cursor at the original resolution in a pop-up window (shortcut: ALT+m). The window dimension can be customized at Particle Parameter::Frame Size.
: measure the size of an object in the
image by  LeftClick+Drag to mark the dimension. 
The measurement will be
displayed in DP::MessageBoard by both pixels and the physical size
in Angstroms.
Particle Stack
The coordinates of selected
particles in a micrograph can be saved into a data file, and the particle
images can be grouped into a stack. 
These functions can be accessed from the buttons located at the bottom
of the page:
- Load : import particle coordinates from a data file.
- Save :
export the coordinates of selected particles to a file (internally named
- Clear :
clear the current particle annotation and reset the particle counters (in CP
and DP) to "0".
- Stack :
box selected particles according to the Frame Size and group the
particle images into a stack. 
Then, switch to the Particle Stack Editor CP::Editor::PTK
and display the particle frames in a montage. 
Particles deleted in the PTK editor will be
automatically synchronized with the annotation in the corresponding
micrograph (if present in CP::Editor::IMG).
To run computational particle
screening in the CMX-mode, the CMX parameter setup can be exported and imported
via the buttons on top of the Particle Parameter group:
: load a CMX file, which will restore
the screening result from the CMX-mode into the program GUI for further
: save a CMX file for the subsequent CMX-mode execution.