3D Reconstruction

Access: CP::3D Model::Reconstruction (Tab)

The Reconstruction module provides functions for image angular reconstitution, Random-Conical-Tilt (RCT) reconstruction, and model refinement.

Reconstruction & Refinement Parameters

PARTICLE provides the following methods for 3D density map reconstruction and refinement includes:

And the parameters common to most of the methods are:

In addition, there are a few method-specific parameters to be defined in the Refinement Parameters group:

Activate the Reconstruct button will initiate the process of model reconstruction and/or refinement.

RCT Reconstruction

The RCT method uses particle tilt-pairs for 3D model reconstruction.  Because the tilt geometry comes from experimental observation, this method can significantly reduce potential error in particle alignment and the initial model reconstruction.  Moreover, the geometric restraints from tilt-pair data provide an unbiased mechanism for model quality evaluation.  The importance of the RCT method merits a section of its own in the documentation.