Particle Stack Editor
Access: CP::Editor::PTK
The main function of the PTK-Editor
is for particle stack display, browsing, editing and 2D image processing.
Example of the CP and DP display for the Particle Stack Editor (with particle selection).
Display a Particle Stack
The data input/output
functions are organized in the File group (at the upper-left region of
the page). 
Once a particle stack is loaded into the editor, the image frames will be
displayed as a montage in DP::MainDisplay. 
The filename, frame & stack dimension
and pixel size (modifiable, assumed to be isotropic) will be shown in the
designated value-boxes. 
A set of
functional buttons on top of the filename box control the data I/O:
: open a file browser to select and load one particle stack into the editor.
: prompt for a filename to save the particle stack in the editor.
: display the image statistics (in CP::MessageBoard)
of the particle stack.
-  C
: close the stack in the editor and clear the display. 
Will prompt to save if the stack has been modified.
Browse a Particle Stack
Upon launching the Particle
Stack Editor, an associated toolbox in DP::ToolBar will be switched on,
which contains the following buttons and value-boxes for stack browsing:
: to the beginning of the stack display.
: one page backward in the stack display
(keyboard shortcut: PageUp).
: one page forward in the stack display
(keyboard shortcut: PageDown).
: to the end of the stack display.
: toggle the frame sequential ID display
(the index starting at "1").
To jump to a particular particle image, enter
its frame ID in the yellow value-box and press Enter.
A count of selected particle images (in blue
mask) is displayed in the value-box (gray) on the right.
: clear the particle image selection and reset the selection counter.
Select Particle Frame(s)
A particle in the editor can
be selected or deselected by the keyboard/mouse combination
CTRL+LeftClick while placing the mouse cursor
over the target image. 
The operation is accumulative and can proceed in any order. 
To select
or deselect a series of particles, use the range-selection function (with
value-boxes and buttons) in the Display Parameter group. 
The display quality (Normal, Fine
& Super) and display scale (an integer factor) can be customized at
the user's discretion. 
The Display
button in the group refreshes the graphical content in DP::MainDisplay.
Edit a Particle Stack
A set of buttons (at the lower-right region of the page) provides
functions for stack editing (on selected frames):
- :
build a new stack from the selected frames.
- :
open and append another stack to the existing stack in the editor (no particle selection is required). 
The two stacks should have the same frame dimension and pixel size.
- :
build a new stack that excludes selected frames.
- :
close the stack file and clean up the display window (prompting to save the stack, if modified).
Image Processing Functions
Most of the functions in the
pull-down menu are designed to process each particle image and loop through all
the frames in the stack. 
selecting a function and setting its associated parameters, press the Apply
button to activate the image-processing function. 
Upon successful completion, the stack display will be updated in DP::MainDisplay
to reflect the result.
- Normalization : pixel value is normalized to N(0, 1).
- Intensity Scaling : each pixel value p
is modified to (k*p+b). 
For example, (k=-1, b=0) inverts the image contrast.
- TopHat Filter : filter each frame by a box kernel centered in the frame. 
Size is in pixels.
- Gaussian Filter : filter each frame by a Gaussian kernel. 
Sigma is defined by a ratio to the Nyquist frequency.
- Band-pass Filter : filter each frame by High-pass & Low-pass
frequency thresholds (in Å, with soft edges).
- Sharpening Filter : sharpen each frame by a reversed Gaussian
Sigma is a ratio to the Nyquist frequency.
- Intensity Clipping : clip pixel intensity according to the
specified Min & Max thresholds.
- Cropping / Padding : crop or pad each particle frame (from the
center) to the dimension New X/Y. 
In padding, the average intensity of the stack will be used to fill
the empty space.
- Frame Resampling : resample each frame to the specified new
dimension New X/Y using bilinear interpolation.
- Particle Sum : pixel-wise add all particle images into one frame.
- Particle Binning : isotropically bin image pixels by the factor Bin
Integer arithmetics (e.g., 9/2=4) is used to calculate the new dimension.
- Particle Sinogram : calculate a sinogram for each particle at the
specified Ang-Step (angular step) & Mask Radius
- Particle Centering : center each particle in its frame by applying
the translation of alignment.
- Rotational Ave : rotationally average pixels of each frame.
- Rotational Sum : rotationally average the "Frame Average",
resulting in a single frame.
- Rotation : rotate each frame by the specified angle ("+":
counter-clockwise, "": clockwise).
- UDF Plug-in : call the User Defined Function.
The stack editing and image
processing functions will change the value of image pixels and will update the
montage display in the PTK-Editor. 
However, the resulting stack is not automatically saved back to the
original file. 
It is at the user's discretion to export the result to a stack file. 
As a safe-guard, PARTICLE will prompt to save any modified stack upon its closing.